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2025 Federal Election

Candidate Nominations Opening Soon

The Animal Justice Party is the only political party in Australia dedicated to protecting all animals.

Our Victorian and NSW MPs are already taking huge steps forward for animals, holding the government to account, and introducing bills to end animal cruelty.

In the upcoming Federal Election we have never been in a better position to win our first Senator in Federal Parliament. 

We’ll soon be calling for Federal Election candidates to run in the senate and lower house seats in South Australia. Running as a candidate is an incredible opportunity to put your passion for animals into action. We completely understand that it can feel daunting running as a candidate, but you’ll be surrounded by an experienced team providing ongoing guidance and support.

Candidate Information Session

To learn more, we’re holding a candidate information session at 7pm Thursday 30 May via Zoom. Come along and find out everything you need to know about being a candidate. 

Register for the candidate information session.

There are stricter eligibility criteria in Federal elections compared to State, including not being a dual citizen, or being employed by the Commonwealth. More information will be included on the application form and please don’t hesitate to get in touch if you have any questions – [email protected]

Donate to our Federal Election Campaign

Your financial contribution helps us fight for animals.

The Animal Justice Party relies on regular donations to be able to run in Federal Elections. Your generosity will help us to increase our vote which puts pressure on the major parties to make positive legislative changes for animals.